Thursday, April 9, 2009

Recent Updates

It's been a while and well overdue for a project Blog Update...

The Architectural/Sustainability/Systems Integration group of the Belen project has experienced a rapid (and timely) growth over the course of the past month. Many talented and experienced architects have jointed our team and are now moving ahead with finalizing the architectural design, which had undergone a considerable evolution following the analysis of the results of last fall's assessment trip to Belen.

Effective of April 3rd, Mr. Mashiyat Ashraf, an experienced architect, will take a lead on managing the architectural design process.

In addition to the good news, the Architectural/Sustainability/Systems Integration group has provided new sketches of the Clinic.

1 comment: said...

This building appears to have eaves. If it is anywhere near trees, these will collect sticks and leaves, and need to be cleaned - almost 4 stories off the ground.